A blog about the fabulous play Say Goodbye, Toto, written by Amy Heidish, world premiered in Los Angeles in 2009, published by Contemporary Drama Service in 2011, and available for production around the world
Monday, January 23, 2012
Ask Toto A Question #21
Who will win the Superbowl this year?
Hi Tracy!
So Uncle Henry and the farmhands are all excited about the Superbowl, and I try to keep up, but within ten minutes, it becomes a whirlwind of colors and grass and yelling and Doritos commercials and it hurts my head!
So I make it really easy on myself. I root for the ball.
Any time a player fumbles, that’s one for the ball. Any time the ball bounces out of a players’ hands, one for the ball. Any time a field goal goes wide right or, um, wide left, as perhaps it did VERY RECENTLY, that’s another one for the ball.
The ball is awesome! It’s the most coveted thing on the field! So root for the ball, and you’re guaranteed to have a great time!
But I know you’re not forgetting the OTHER BOWL game that day. Perhaps, the BETTER BOWL.
YAY YAY THE PUPPY BOWL!!! That’s SO much easier to follow.
I kinda think Deliliah, the 13 week terrier’s a little cutie, but my money’s on Baskin.
He looks like he can run REALLY FAST! He wants to play Frisbee every day! ME TOOOOOOO!
Thanks for the question!
Ask Toto A Question runs twice a month until the questions run out. Don't let that happen! Send Toto your queries at thedogtoto@yahoo.com.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Ask Toto A Question #20
Dear Toto, what kind of treats do you like?
- @angelwhip (Trina Mock)
Hi Trina!
Boy oh boy oh boy are you going to buy some treats for me!? I LURVE YOU LOTS AND LOTS!
This is a very important question, especially since you gotta be careful out there in the Dog Treats department, especially since some of those chicken jerky treats from China are very very bad news indeed.
Which is why my favorite treats are the kind that people eat. If it’s good enough for you guys, it’s TOTALLY good enough for me. Unless it’s chocolate, because we all know that chocolate is a big huge no no for dogs.
Aunt Em likes to think carrots are a good dog treat. She is wrong. Carrots are a veggie, a side dish, an important source of nutrients, an obligatory food. Sure, I’ll eat them, but let’s be real, carrots are NOT a treat.
Here are some of my FAVORITE TREATS:
BACON BACON BACON!!!! Bac-Os do not count as bacon.
APPLES!!!! Ryan Gosling knows this.
And lastly, CHEETOS! (the puffy kind, please)
I can’t to see you on the farm, Trina, arms loaded with these goodies! I will even share with you, as long as you understand that “two for me, one for you, three for me, one for you,” counts as sharing.
Thanks for the question!
Ask Toto A Question runs twice a month until the questions run out. Don't let that happen! Send Toto your queries at thedogtoto@yahoo.com.