So Dorothy likes to do a lot of these
internet quizzes like “Which Walking Dead Survivor Are You” (She
got Maggie) or “Which Movie Is Actually Based On Your Life” (She
got Disney's Brave)
So when I stumbled upon Which DisneyDog Are You? Well, I couldn't resist! Which Disney dog COULD I be? Am I about to
fall so deeply into a meta rabbit hole that I won't be able to get
out? (Or worse, I'd get a dog who is COMPLETELY unlike me?)
And I did quibble that a lot of
the questions didn't include an answer I was happiest with, (see #3 –
My Favorite Meal is, but there's no All Of Them answer). And some of the questions I was happy to answer ( #5 asking me to pick my favorite Disney Cat did have “Ew, Cats”
as a potential answer, which I totally picked).
Number 9's “My
favorite word is” was truly confounding, since “Dorothy” wasn't
an answer (I picked “Yo-yo” since those things hypnotize the heck
out of me when Dorothy plays with one)
It finally spit out the result that I'm
Dug, from Pixar's Up. I guess I can live with that. I mean, he's
kinda dumb, but incredibly loyal. I made Dorothy take the quiz and
she got Max from the Little Mermaid, which is weird, because he's
kinda nondescript in that movie.
Go give the quiz a try and see what YOU
come up with.